What makes Dubai an attractive location for setting up the headquarters for your overseas business?

In 2022 alone, UAE has welcomed more than 400,000 billionaires from all over the world and all because of its business-friendly locations and attractive options for business expansion. The reason behind Dubai fast becoming a top location for entrepreneurs from foreign countries is because UAE has a hyper-modern infrastructure that many services look for, and the ex-pats receive an incredible amount of support from the government too. So, if you want to look for an ideal location to set up your headquarters for overseas business, there is no place better than Dubai.

Why should you choose Dubai to set up your headquarters for overseas business?

Since UAE applies a ‘No Taxation’ policy for nearly all business activities, business owners find it easier to focus on expanding their business and their core business operations without worrying about taxes. In addition, UAE is keenly interested in attracting and retaining talents in their emirates- which is why you will find that their Visa policies are far more flexible and friendly for professionals and businesses. To attract global talent and retain them, UAE has introduced the new Entry and Residence Scheme.

Under the scheme, UAE is offering 10 types of entry visas that have more benefits with simplified requirements. For the new visa, you do not need to have a sponsor, it offers multi-entry and more flexibility, 60-day validity etc. As a business owner in UAE, you can lease property, buy vehicles with little to no bureaucratic problems, and travel easily.

UAE is also known for providing massive support to its SMEs, and since the country is located in an accessible geographical location, it makes it easier for businesses to do international trade. The strategic geographic location also makes it easier to import and export and trade with all the markets in the Gulf, Asia, Africa, Europe and CIS countries.

It goes without saying that UAE has one of the world’s best infrastructures, whether it is transportation or office buildings equipped with state-of-the-art tools and technology. Moreover, UAE has been developing new roads, a more convenient public transport system, and airports to make it suitable for business owners from foreign countries.

How can Consultycs help in setting up your headquarters?

Consultycs is a leading business consultancy and advisory firm in Dubai that can help you connect with investors, corporations, and business owners. We have a team of skilled professionals who know about various business policies and can help you make informed decisions to grow your overseas business smoothly.

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