UAE launches initiative to support top 100 start-ups.

In a recent article from The National News- dated December 6, 2022, the writer speaks about how the UAE has launched a new program aimed at supporting and honoring the top 100 start-ups that will have a significant impact on the country’s economy and boost its readiness for the future.

They mentioned, “the future 100 initiative will support new economic sectors such as space, renewable energy, and emerging technology, which will shape the country’s future economy, the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Governmental Development and Future said at its launch in Dubai on Tuesday.

The top 100 future-ready companies will be honored annually, based on “clear” criteria, objectives, and aspects, and would also help in defining new parameters for the future economy, said Minister of Economy Abdulla bin Touq.

The UAE is among the most proactive governments worldwide, drawing up programs to support the economy and keep it ahead of the curve in a rapidly changing landscape defined by digital transformation.

Ahmad Alwan, deputy chief executive of Hub71, Abu Dhabi’s technology ecosystem, said the Emirates was among the top countries in the world when it comes to start-ups.

“Not only are we able to attract opportunities, but we are also ready to transfer knowledge,” he said.

 As a consultancy, we stay updated on new initiatives and processes that are issued in the nation.”

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